Ikuno is a Beta bot created by deathmane#6969, deathmane is a 14 year-old discord bot developer/coder, she started out in 2019, when she saw a music bot tutorial on youtube. Then, she decided to follow the whole tutorial, and eventiually, it payed off!
This bot is in BETA, So there may be errors/bugs.
- Music features (playlists, youtube, queues... )
- Moderadtion features (ban, kick, mute, unmute, warn, etc.)
- Fun features (howgay, simprate, thotrate, kiss, hug, 8ball, etc.)
- Roblox & Fortnite features (fn shop, fn leaks, roblox avatar, roblox game search, roblox profile, etc.)
- Utility features (avatar, dm, yt search, steal emojis from other servers (Nitro Only), etc.)
- And Many More!